Are You Ready?

After 14 years my old SOEH site imploded. I took the opportunity to design a completely new site. It’s the perfect activity for the fall of 2021 as we assimilate the past 9 years. The coming year starts the final era in global transformation as we shift completely from the Piscean age into Aquarian. The question “Are You Ready?” means have you assimilated your transformation from the past 9 years? Have you created new systems of work that reflect the New Earth energies? Are you energetically connected to the New Earth grid system? (Hint! Make sure your Crystalline Energy System is activated). Do you know how to create and operate in New Earth Groups? Are you aligned to YOUR Soul Blueprint so you can get optimal results?

Needless to say, I am eagerly awaiting 2022 and possibly working with you this coming year.


11:11 Energy Reading