11:11 Energy Reading
Nov 04 - Dec 03
Transformation Theme: I Receive My Highest Potential through Universal Teachings
New Moon Mantra: “I am supported and Self-Responsible through Love.”
Full Moon Eclipse: Nov 19
5th Tone to December Solstice: Bring right closure to 2nd phase of global transformation and align to right opening of 3rd phase Mastery.
Note! These readings are for the New Earth energies.
Holy Moly, what a night I had last night. I literally couldn’t sleep I was buzzing with so much energy. I thought I was going to levitate off the bed. I knew it was some kind of massive download but it’s going to take some time to digest it all. I look forward to new insights, programs and information coming through as we continue to bring right closure to the second phase of global transformation (Chaos!) and begin to head into the 3rd phase of Mastery. Everyone’s timing is a bit different on this so don’t feel like it’s a race or competition.
I remember when I introduced my son to a labyrinth for the first time. He raced into the center to “beat” everyone else. “I won!” he shouted excitedly. Then, as he watched others arrive in the center he got the labyrinth in a whole new way. “You won, too!” he called out to the next person and the one after that. When we walk the labyrinth sometimes we’re in front, sometimes in the back and sometimes walking side by side. Regardless of our timing, we all end up at the same destination.
And so we move forward toward 2022, the start of 9 years of Mastery or the culmination of global transformation that began in 2004. I look back and remember how before 2012 I was actively “stalking power” as the shamans call it, i.e. transformation. Each spiral of transformation brought me to new levels of my spiritual gifts and insight. Then 2013 came along. And the rest of the world flew into chaos (which is the primary energy of the 2ndphase of transformation) and I found myself with transformation happening all around me (or so it seemed). I’ll admit…I kind of grew sick of transformation during those 9 years of chaos. I hunkered down. I went mostly invisible. Balancing and stabilizing seemed to be all I managed. I was so busy taking care of everybody’s else’s freak out moments, I never got to be creative myself (or I created at an excruciatingly slow speed).
Remember this. All that stuff we didn’t like about the past 9 years is what was coming to the surface to release. I know, I know. It’s hard to believe all that crap was releasing out and not just getting louder and bolder. I forget this every single time during the 2nd phase of Chaos. And then we move into Mastery and new order and organization just flies into place for all that chaos. And I wonder how that happens! But that’s the magic and miracle of the three phases of transformation.
The other thing to remember is that the New Earth energy paradigm is VERY different than the Old Energy one…really beginning now, you can access all that yumminess that’s coming in 2022 for yourself. I find myself, however, taking a moment to rest, to up my self-care, to bring in the next (cough) spiral of transformation at individual, group and system levels (especially at systems levels!) Which apparently is what I was doing last night when I couldn’t sleep. I’ve learned to let all that energy come into my conscious awareness in its own good timing.
So let’s take a look at November. It is whack a mole or hornet’s nest in the Old Energy paradigms…I went cross-eyed reading the traditional astrologers take on things. Then I reminded myself…oh yeah, we are in the New Energies…so what does that look like? Whew! It’s quiet…like the pause before something new and big arrives. The planet has a few more contractions to go through before shifting from 2nd Phase Chaos to 3rdPhase Mastery.
This is a month for preparing. Take time to assimilate all that has happened for you in the past 9 years. Plan extra rest, more play, hug a tree, and be quiet on and with the earth. Let your heartbeat synchronize with the heartbeat of the planet. Contrary to most astrologers, I don’t find a full moon eclipse (coming up on the 19th) an ominous thing. In the New Earth energies, eclipses strip away all the illusions, the places of denial, the things we’re fooling ourselves about. That might sound scary, but truth is that seeing clearly is an incredible gift to receive. You still get to choose what you want to do with that information, so you don’t need to be afraid of it. Stay empowered in your fully awake state and choose what works best for you. It helps if you get really clear about what your underlying questions (the energy behind your conscious mind) might be. Here are some examples:
What am I ready for?
What am I curious about?
What is the Universe giving me that I’m not receiving?
What do I need and want to let go of?
What dream or vision have I put on hold the past 9 years?
What’s waiting to be expressed?
Meditate on these questions and the night of the full moon eclipse, toss them into the starry night and wait for the response.
One final note about this month: Earth has been sending light energy into our feet and legs. We Old Souls are used to bringing light down through our crown chakras to Earth. Like mothers and fathers not wanting to receive blessings from our children, we keep pushing the Light energy back. Let the Light move throughout your entire Crystalline Energy System (i.e. body) and radiate into the New Earth energies. I’ve been talking all year about receiving from 2nd Dimension (beneath our feet) and I’ve been ignoring my own words!
Thank heavens for eclipses when we can get past our mental blocks and points of denial and be centered in our crystalline essence.
In the New Earth energies,
P..S This is also the 11:11 month! Although I don't prescribe to this date as being "special" because it doesn't link to natural time it can help you attune to those frequencies. I included an attunement process in the energy meditation to work with these numbers.
Here is the energy meditation!